The Ministry of Education, Govt. of India, has initiated ‘Atal Ranking of Institutions on Innovation Achievements’ (ARIIA), to systematically rank education institutions and universities primarily on innovation related indicators. ARIIA considers all major indicators which are commonly used globally to rank most innovative education institutions/universities in the world.
ARIIA ranking was initiated by the Government of India since last four years to inspire Indian institutions to reorient their mind-set and build ecosystems to encourage high quality research, innovation and entrepreneurship. It also aims at setting direction for institutions for future development for making them globally competitive and in the forefront of innovation.
This year the Universities were ranked based on 9 Parameters and 55 sub parameters which were comprehensively developed for the assessment of Institutional Innovation achievements in real time.
9 Parameters include:-
The ranks were categorised in two broad categories of public funded institutions and Private or self financed Institutions (Universities /Deemed to be Universities)
A total of 3551 Institutes under different categories had participated in ARIIA Ranking 2021.
The Institutions were ranked as BAND - RANKED (top 10), BAND EXCELLENT (11-46), BAND PERFORMER (47-76), BAND PROMISING (77-118) AND BAND BEGINNER (119-126).
Yenepoya (Deemed to be University) has been ranked under BAND EXCELLENT (11 to 46) under Private/Self-Financed Institutions - University /Deemed University (Private). Apart from Yenepoya, JSS Academy of Higher Education & Research, KLE Technological University, Manipal Academy of Higher Education and REVA University) have figured under this category.
The University has created the Ecosystem, which facilitates research and innovation. The Yenepoya Technology Incubation (YTI) and Yenepoya Research Centre (YRC) are sphere heading these initiatives in creating such an Ecosystem which has facilities for cutting edge research, Rapid Prototyping and Med Tech Designing and Early Translator Accelerator (ETA).
We will continue to deeply support research and Innovation in our academic offerings, through funding infrastructure, support and shall strive hard in achieving excellence globally, Dr. M Vijayakumar, Vice Chancellor said to the Press. He thanked the vital role played by the Chancellor and Pro Chancellor and thanked all the staff members, employees and students for their support.