A CDE program was conducted by the Department of Pediatric and Preventive dentistry, Yenepoya Dental College on Monday, 30th May 2022 at 9.00 AM.
This program was conducted specially for Post graduate students and aimed at focusing on the science and fundamentals of laser and different clinical aspects of modern Laser usage. The title of CDE program was LASER VEDA.
The program began with an invocation by Dr. KibriyaRehman, Post graduate student, Department of Pediatric and Preventive dentistry. The Head of the Department, Dr. Sharan S. Sargod welcomed the gathering. The CDE program was inaugurated by the lighting of the lamp by the dignitaries; Chief Guest, Dr. ReshmaPai; Dean of Srinivas Institute of Dental Sciences, Principal, Dr. Akhter Husain, Vice Principal, Dr. Sham S. Bhat, Organizing Secretary, Dr. SundeepHegde, HOD Dr. Sharan S. Sargod and the resource person Dr. ChandrashekharYavagal.
Dr. Akhter Husain, Principal, Yenepoya Dental College gave the Dean’s address. Introduction of the resource person was given by Dr. Ajay Rao. The inaugural function ended with Vote of Thanks given by Dr. Sundeep Hegde.
Dr. Chandrashekhar Yavagal, in his morning session explained about different types of laser and its wide variety of clinical applications like myofunctional pain disorder, TMJ disorder, disinfection in root canal therapy, various surgical procedures, rapid healing of wounds etc. He also exhibited his clinical case reports pertaining to treatments in various aspects of dentistry. Afternoon session was concluded with a live video demonstration on how to operate ‘NOVOLASE’ and FAQ session.
The lecture was highly appreciated and Post Graduate students had an opportunity to interact with the speaker and enrich their knowledge.
A total of 136 delegates from Yenepoya Dental College, A. B. Shetty Memorial Institute of Dental sciences, MCODS, Mangalore, KVG Dental College, Sullia, A. J. Institute of Dental sciences, Mangalore, Srinivas Dental College, Mukka, Mahe Dental College, Mahe, attended this program. Eco friendly kits were distributed to all the delegates with an intention of promoting ‘Zero Plastic environment’.