Yenepoya Dental College, Deralakatte Mangaluru conducted a workshop on “Ragging- A Menace” on 23rdMay 2022. Dr. Supriya, Assistant Professor, Public Health Dentistry, introduced the chief guest. Dr.Akhter Husain, Principal, Yenepoya Dental College welcomed the audience and explained the measures taken in college to prevent ragging. The chief guest of the day Dr. Nidarsh D Hegde, Member of Dental Council of India spoke about the ill effects of ragging and its legal implications. Dr. MallikaShetty, Additional Professor gave a presentation on Anti Ragging working protocol in Yenepoya Dental College. Vice principals of the Yenepoya Dental College attended the program. 1st year students presented a mime show. Dr. Imran Mohtesham proposed the vote of thanks.