Yogic science is one of the exemplary contributions of Indian Tradition and Heritage to the world at large. Centuries ago, the knowledge of yoga which was scattered, was compiled beautifully by Maharishi Patanjali in the form of 196 Yoga Sutras. Since then, yoga has been studied and practiced through generations. Applications of yoga are widespread ranging from physical to spiritual aspects. Various branches of yoga have been developed. Spiritual view of Patanjali Yoga Sutra is well-known, but the clinical aspect of this is the most untouched field. Hence the Continuous Medical Education (CME) program was organized by Yenepoya Naturopathy and Yogic Science College and Hospital.The main objective was to create awareness and bring understanding among the delegates on the Therapeutic Relevance of Yoga Sutra with its Clinical Applications. Under the title SUTRA VIJNANA - 2023 this program was inaugurated by Dr Shivaprased Shetty, Dean & professor, Department of yoga, SDM College of Naturopathy and yogic sciences Ujire, He spoke about the importance yoga sutras in health and well being. Dr Aswini Dutt R ,Dean of Academics,Yenepoya (Deemed to be university) was a chief guest ,he enlightened with his inspirational words on the importance of the CME.Later CME was continued with three session with eminent speakers ,Dr Sujatha Dinesh, Vice Principal ,SDM college of Naturopathy and Yogic sciences Ujire spoke on “Applications of AstangaSadhana in Therapy”,Dr VrindaBedekar, Professor,Prasanna Ayurveda Medical College and Hospital spoke on “Kleshas:Cause For Disease”, Dr V Venugopal, Assistant Medical Officer & Lecturer-II ,Govt Yoga Naturopathy Medical college ,Chennai spoke on “Clinical Application of Vrttis” and Dr Puneeth Ragavendra K R, Principal Yenepoya naturopathy and Yogic science college and Hospital spoke on “Antaraya :Obstacles in the path of wellbeing”.D rVanitha Shetty Principal,Alvas’s College of Naturopathy and Yogic Sciences,Mudbidri was Guest of Honor for Valedictory Ceremony,Dr Nagaraj Shet ,Assistant Medical Superintendent,Yenepoya Medical college and Hospital was Chief guest for same and Dr Puneeth Raghavendra KR delivered the presidential address .Dr Sangeetha laxmi MJ delivered the vote of thanks and Students of BNYS Hosted the program. Total 200 delegates participated in the CME, 50 delegates from Tamilnadu, 100 delegates from various colleges of Karnataka and 50 academics, research scholars and yoga consultant were present in the program