Yenepoya medical college hospital, Deralakatte, Mangalore completed a rare liver surgery on an 8 month old boy recently. The pediatric surgical team led by Dr. Ahmed Ashraf and Dr .Suhitha G, successfully removed the large tumor within the right side of the liver.
The 8 month old child hailing from Shimoga was suffering from abdominal distention and difficulty in breathing and feeding disturbance since a month. Child weighed only 6 kgs at presentation. On evaluation with blood tests and scans, child was found to have a large liver tumour which was confirmed to be a hepatoblastoma by CT scan. The tumor occupied almost the entire right half of the liver.
Considering the large size, 4 cycles of chemotherapy was given by DrHarshaPrasad (pediatrichemato oncologist) following which the child underwent surgical resection of right half of liver( right hemi hepatectomy). This rare and risky surgery on a infant was performed by team of pediatric surgeons of DrSuhith G and Dr. Ashraf Ahmed with the support of Dr. VivekKaje (surgical gastroenterologist). Anaesthesia team included Dr. Vasantha OT and DrAlif shah. Pediatricians DrMithun HK, DrShyamSudhir, Dr. AshaChethan facilitated the smooth post operative recovery of the child.
Hepatoblastomas are rare liver tumors with a incidence of 1.2 in a million. Major hepatic resections are needed for these tumors which is very risky and complicated. The pediatric surgery department in Yenepoya Medical College has been performing similar life saving procedures with the support of advanced pediatric intensive care facilities at a very affordable cost in this part of the country.