Preventive Oncology Clinic and Colposcope was inaugurated at Zulekha Yenepoya Institute of Oncology , a constituent unit of Yenepoya (Deemed to be University) by Mr. Jawaid Akthar IAS (Additional Chief Secretary Forest, Ecology and Environment Department, Govt. of Karnataka) in presence of Dr. B.H.Sripathi Rao, Pro Vice chancellor and Dr. Gangadhara Somayaji K.S, Registrar Yenepoya(Deemed to be University), Zulekha Oncocentre staff and other dignitaries and constituent officers of the University.
Dr NagarajShet, Assistant Medical Superintendent,YMCH , Marketing Manager YU welcomed the gathering.Dr. Mariam Anjum Ifthikar, Associate Professor Gynecologic Oncology, Laparoscopic and Robotic surgeon briefed in detail about the state of the art preventive oncology services like Pap Smear, HPV testing, HPV vaccination and colposcopy with thermal ablation services. Colposcopy uses high power optics for non contact magnified gynecological examination. It is very useful in identifying premalignant lesions and early detection of cervical cancers which will improve the disease outcomes.
Dr. Jalaluddin Akbar, HOD Surgical Oncology accompanied the chief guest to the other advanced diagnostic and therapeutic facilities such as TrueBeam Linear Accelerator radiotherapy machine, Brachytherapy, PET CT and SPECT scan which are available at the centre.
Following the inauguration Mr. Jawaid Akthar also visited various centers of the University viz. Yenepoya Technology Incubator and ACTSYEN (Advanced Comprehensive Clinical Training & Simulation Centre).
Breast cancer and cervical cancer are the leading cancers in India as per the Globocon 2020 data. Majority of the patients come at advanced stages even now. Cervical cancer is a preventable cancer and if detected early, is completely curable. To celebrate the Cervical Cancer Awareness month, Zulekha Yenepoya Institute of Oncology had conducted a Women’s Wellness Awareness month in February. Various camps which emphasized awareness, screening and early detection of women cancers were conducted in and around Mangalore.