Day 1: 01/02/2023
The Department of Public Health Dentistry & NSS Unit-1, Yenepoya Dental College observed World Cancer Day from 1 st February to 4 th February with a theme of Close the Care Gap. On 1 st of February there was an intercollegiate Painting Competition held at Yenviron and Dr.Rajesh Krishna,Haemotooncologist , Zulekha Yenepoya Institute of Oncology was the Chief Guest for the program. The Dean And Principal Dr.Sham S Bhat and Dr.Laxmikanth Chatra were present along with Dr.Imran Pasha M NSS Program Officer and Dr.Rekha Shenoy HOD Department of Public Health Dentistry.
Day 2: 02/02/2023
The Day 2 of the World Cancer Day was Cook for a cause with intercollegiate event and interdepartmental as well. Total of 11 teams participated in the event. This is an annual fund raiser event at Yenepoya Dental College for the benefit of the Cancer patients. Dr.Vijayakumar Honorable Vice Chancellor, Yenepoya Deemed to be University, inaugurated the Cook for a cause at Yenviron. Welcome address for the event was given by Dr.Rekha Shenoy, Principal Dr.Laxmikanth Chatra impressed on the need for early detection and Dr.Sham S bhat said the need to intervene early to cure cancer is the need of the hour. Dr.Vijayakumar Honorable Vice Chancellor, Yenepoya Deemed to be University said that Zulekha Yenepoya Institute of Oncology will be offering free services for the screened patients at the centre and also launched the one month long campaign on account of world Cancer Day.
Day 3:
The Department of Public Health Dentistry & NSS Unit-1, Yenepoya Dental College observed World Cancer Day from 3 rd February 2023, with a theme of Close the Care Gap. On 2 nd of February there was an intercollegiate Painting Competition held at Yenviron and Dr. Rohan Shetty Surgical Oncologist of Zulekha Yenepoya Institute of Oncology, was the Chief Guest for the program. Dr.Rohan Shetty impressed upon the early detection and prompt treatment is the way to go tackle the Cancer burdent. The Dean Dr.Sham S Bhat ,Dr.Imran Pasha M NSS Program Officer and Dr.Rekha Shenoy HOD Department of Public Health Dentistry were also present.
Day 4:
The Observance of the World Cancer Day on 4 th February 2023 was held at Yenepoya Dental College auditorium. The Chief Guest HOD Surgical Oncology Dr. Rohan Gatty delivered chief guest address and highlighted the need for care gap theme beautifully and the entire crowd was mesmerized with the points raised and appeal made by Dr.Rohan R Gatty. The Welcome address was given by Dr.Rekha Shenoy HOD Department of Public Health dentistry. The Presidential address was given by Dr.Laxmikanth Chatra. Vote of thanks by Dr.Imrna Pasha M Reader Department of Public Health Dentistry and NSS Program Officer Yenepoya Dental College.
The Team of the Cancer Awareness Outreach Program, delivered the lectures on Cervical, Breast, Oral and Cancer in General by the Dr.Anjum Ifthikar, Surgical Oncologist Zulekha Yenepoya Institute of Oncology, Dr.Umme Amarah, Assistant Professor, Oral Medicine & Radiology, Dr.Rachana R Prabhu, Additional Professor, Oral Medicine & Radiology and Dr.Imran Pasha M Reader Department of Public Health Dentistry.